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10 best gadgets for online learning

Updated on: May 28, 2024
10 best gadgets for online learning
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People could debate all day long about whether online learning is better than actually attending a class, and in truth, there may never be a winner to that argument.

But there’s no doubt that online sessions have their perks. You can do them from the comfort of your bedroom or study, there’s no travel time required, and hey, you don’t even have to get properly dressed (though we wouldn’t recommend this last perk!). All you need is some best gadgets like WiFi, a laptop or a tablet and you’re good to go.

But to make the whole experience a lot smoother and more efficient, the team at Edvoy has put its heads together and come up with some really useful accessories and gadgets for online learning. Some are pretty hi-tech and flashy, while some are absurdly cheap and simple. Either way, each will make your online learning a good deal more comfortable, efficient and enjoyable.



10 Best gadgets for online classes for students

  1. Headphones w/ microphone
  2. Ergonomic chair
  3. Webcam upgrade
  4. Orthopedic backrest
  5. Laptop stand
  6. Standing desk
  7. Wireless keyboard/mouse
  8. WiFi Booster
  9. Desk writing pad
  10. Smart reusable notebook

1. Headphones with a microphone

There are few things more annoying in the “working from home” world than being disturbed by hearing your housemates' conversations!

With that in mind, get yourself a decent pair of headphones that can keep your sessions (and theirs) private. Though make sure that the headphones you buy also have a microphone, or else you’ll constantly be on mute during that Zoom class!

They don’t have to be big and bulky, nor do they have to be as slick as a set of AirPods, as long as you can hear and be heard clearly without having to shout.

2. Ergonomic chair

You’re going to be spending a lot of time sitting at a desk (or maybe standing… more on that below). So you may as well make sure that you can be comfortable, while keeping your posture right to avoid doing any long term damage!

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, ergonomic means that it’s designed for comfort and efficiency in a working environment. Bonus points for a chair with wheels — it’s fun to scoot around your room between classes. 

3. A webcam upgrade

If you’ve got a modern Macbook or other laptop, chances are you won’t need this. But webcams tend to be pretty poor on standard laptops, and perhaps non-existent if you're working on a desktop computer.

A good upgrade doesn't have to cost much and could make the difference between the digital you looking well… like you, or like a 1990s TV character.

4. Orthopedic backrest

A cheaper alternative to our ergonomic chair, or a pretty great supplement for it too!

The old folks might tell you that back pain is theirs and theirs alone, but as someone who’s been battling it since my high school days, one of the best investments I’ve ever made is a simple posture correcting backrest.

A decent one will allow you to sit comfortably while preventing you from slouching, too much of which leads to back and neck ache. Trust me on that one. 

5. Laptop stand

You can see we’re big on comfort and long term health here, right?

Ideally, the top of your computer screen should be level with somewhere around your nose or eyes. But laptops don’t work that way, and tablets certainly don’t. They like to suck you down into a bent-over position. A simple laptop stand will fix this.

Some are cheap as chips, while the more fancy ones adjust to a range of different heights and even keep your computer nice and cool. You don’t want it to overheat and go offline in the middle of a class, do you?

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6. Standing desk

OK, one last comfort/health one and then we’re done, promise!

Standing desks are all the rage these days at techy startups and big corporations alike. Turns out sitting down too much isn’t that good for us (what a shame), so rather than reducing working (or studying) hours, some geniuses have created standing desks.

The thing is, they’re great! The best ones are collapsible, so you can set them up and stow them away easily, allowing you to switch between sitting and standing any time you choose.

7. Wireless keyboard/mouse

Now we’re getting into the gadgety side of these gadgets! Too many wires just makes your work area become cluttered, so getting yourself a bluetooth mouse and keyboard is a great call.

They pack away easily, and allow you some breathing space from your laptop, which will do your eyes (and your posture...again) no harm at all. They also just look pretty cool and futuristic. We like that.

8. Wi-Fi booster / extender

Two different names for essentially the same practical, effective gadget.

Even in the year 2021, houses seem to have WiFi weak spots. That’s a crying shame, and unfortunately, it’s one that could turn your online learning journey into a lagging, poorly connected, cutting-out-again-and-again mess.

One simple way to fix that is to plug directly into your WiFi router, but that probably isn’t in the most work-friendly place. So, a decent (usually quite cheap) WiFi booster should do the trick.

9. Desk writing pad

This isn’t quite a gadget in the modern sense of the word, but it’s going on the list. Why? It’s very simple, very useful, and the best in any stationery store.

Essentially it’s a big diary-style open notepad that (ideally) gently sticks to your desk. Perfect for jotting down reminders, making to-do lists, setting schedules and that kind of thing.

It’s better than an actual notebook because it’s just there… open and visible. A nice eco-friendlier alternative to this, by the way, would be a little whiteboard!

10. Smart reusable notebook

This is by far the coolest online learning gadget I’ve ever seen, and I wish I had one!

It looks like a notebook and pen, but it doesn’t use paper or ink! With a smart reusable notebook, you can listen to your lectures, make hand-written notes (which is faster than typing) on your computer, and everything you (or draw or sketch or doodle) gets uploaded to whatever cloud service you use (G-drive, Dropbox, iCloud etc).

It’s smooth, very cool, and you can feel good about saving trees too!

So now you know the best gadgets for online learning, maybe it’s time to get looking for the best course for you to study at university? Click here to get started with Edvoy, or follow the button below!

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best gadgets for online classes for students
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Guest Author | Study Abroad Expert

Sean, a freelance writer, copywriter, and editor hailing from Ireland. He finds fulfillment in delving into the world of...Read More

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