Student Life

10 most common New year's resolutions- International student edition

Updated on: Jun 26, 2023
10 most common New year's resolutions- International student edition
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Every year, when the clock ticks midnight on the 1st of Jan, everyone around the globe is always excited to welcome and celebrate the new year ahead! The energy and the excitement pops-up at the perfect moment on new year’s eve irrespective of things one went through the past 364 days.

And no new year celebration reaches completion without the “resolutions”. Stating or coming up with new or old yet evergreen resolutions makes the event more exciting and funnier.

But, if it were only that easy to “do”, then just say them..!

So, let us look at the top 10 evergreen resolutions amidst the student community!

But before moving further, let us make a pact that we “should not” carry forward the resolutions that we will make as mere statements to the next year! Let us keep them realistic to be easy for us to follow.

10 most common New year's resolutions- International student edition:

  1. Get the right amount of Zzzs.
  2. Create your personal “me” space.
  3. Eat well. Eat what you love. Yet, eat healthily!
  4. Time to hit the exercise floor!
  5. Take the mop in your hands once a week.
  6. Journal, blog, or vlog! The world is in your hands.
  7. Maintain a healthy social space and spend time in that.
  8. Trying something new once a month.
  9. Stop making lists
  10. Stop lying to yourself about following “New year's resolutions!”

1. Get the right amount of Zzzs.

Get the right amount of nap: Have you had a feeling like a whole day slipping off of your hands by waking up late? Or the annoyance you have, from the consistent tiredness that follows every morning just because of sitting up all night? Some may state that getting 6 to 8 hrs of sleep is enough to keep you fresh and energetic. But the truth is, it is not just the period, but the part of the day that you are sleeping.
So, it is always optimum to make sure that you get enough naps at the “perfect” period. Taking long afternoon naps and sitting up till midnight, and waking up late in the morning will not work. So you can take power naps in the daytime as a refresher and a deep sound sleep by 10:00 PM. This method will help you during exam times when getting a good night’s sleep is a crucial factor.

2. Create your personal “me” space.

Create your personal “me” space: You’ll be bound to have a lot on your plate in your college days. Even though you may leave one and focus on the other, you will realise that more activities will still need to be done. Although these are the road to showcasing your potential and skill development, what about YOUR time and space?
Self-care is equally important. So, take a chill pill! Relax your body and mind often. Schedule your work, study, and hang out around “your” time. This idea will help focus on all the activities and participate in those with great enthusiasm!

3. Eat well. Eat what you love. Yet, eat healthily!

Eat well. Eat what you love. Yet eat healthily! College life teaches us various things to do and not to do. One of those is trying every delicacy ranging from college cafeterias to fine dining restaurants in that town! So there are no bounds to explore your foodie side! But always keep a check on what you eat frequently and add some healthy options to your exploration list to make the food hunt a little more thrilling! Also, skipping a meal won’t push you to the top rank list in any exam. So, it’s time to stop blaming the time and eat regularly.

4. Time to hit the exercise floor!

Time to hit the exercise floor! The most common one out of the listed resolutions, but let us draft it to our convenience! Doing exercise is not just limited to entering a gym. You can instill exercising in your routine life too! Start strolling or jogging around your campus. You can increase your walking or pedal by limiting the use of motor vehicles to only destinations that take a minimum of an hour to reach from your place. Also, stay hydrated to keep the body's metabolism intact!

5. Take the mop in your hands once a week.

Take the mop in your hands once a week: When it is the weekend, make time to tidy up and organize your room. It is not mandated to reach the spik and span perfection. Still, keep it clean to maintain your hygiene and stay comfortable. 

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6. Journal, blog, or vlog! The world is in your hands.

Journal, blog, or vlog! The world is in your hands: You can journal your study, stay, and lifestyle experience during your time abroad. Youtube vlog content is always a trendsetter. Not only are they mere content, but they will also be beautiful memories captured.

7. Maintain a healthy social space and spend time in that.

Maintain a healthy social space and spend time in that: Making new friends and building a restorative social circle plays a significant part while you are a student. Be it joining a cliche or an outside group, these will refrain you from handling things alone in your college life and will also be a potential contact for your next step in higher education or career.

8. Trying something new once a month.

Trying something new once in a month: Learning or developing new skills or hobbies is not limited within any boundaries! So, just like trying and exploring new food items, you can bring out the painter, singer, dancer, guitarist, or the fantastic chef in you! Learn what you love and try something that interests you. Who knows? One of these may turn out as your career in the future!

9. Stop making lists

Stop making lists! If you are ready to do something productive and not a person who follows a schedule, don’t list to do’s and not to do’s. Keep yourself as a go-with-the-flow person and plan accordingly! Start being flexible with your schedule from this new year, and you’ll see it do wonders!

10. Stop lying to yourself about following “New year's resolutions!”

Stop lying to yourself about following “New years resolutions!” Last but not least, keep the resolutions realistic. Have only those as resolutions which you know that you’ll SURELY follow. Keep them simple to fit them gradually into your routine like a puzzle piece.

So, a happy new year, you all, and spend this 2022 funny, vibrant and productive! And what is more productive than starting your study abroad journey? Trust us, it is easier than most of the new year resolutions in this list (provided you do it with Edvoy ;-D) 

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Haripriya, a dedicated writer with a passion for art, is committed to delivering engaging and informative articles in th...Read More

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