
SPPU SGPA to Percentage Calculator

Updated on: Jun 20, 2024
SPPU SGPA to Percentage Calculator
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SGPA to Percentage at SPPU

It can be important for students in Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) to understand their academic performance as a percentage. Doing this lets you know how well you’ve done in a widely recognized format that is required by many applications. So here’s the simplest way on how to convert SGPA to percentage at SPPU.

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How to Convert SGPA to Percentage for SPPU

  • First, calculate the SGPA of all the semesters.
  • Once you get the SGPA of all the semesters, add them.
  • Divide the summation of the SGPAs by the number of semesters you have given.
  • Multiply your SGPA with 10 and then subtract 7.5 from the total [(SGPA * 10) – 7.5 = Percentage]

About Savitribai Phule Pune University

Established in 1949, Savitribai Phule Pune University is one of India’s top universities, commonly known as SPPU or Pune University. Located in Maharashtra, Pune it is renowned for its high academic standards and a wide range of programs across different fields such as science, engineering, arts, commerce and law among others.

The university has a large campus area with many colleges affiliated which contribute greatly towards Maharashtra & India's educational landscape. It is named after Savitribai Phule who was an Indian social reformer and pioneer of female education during the British Raj era.

Also read: SPPU CGPA to percentage calculator

What does SGPA mean?

SGPA stands for Semester Grade Point Average which is an indicator used by students about their overall performance throughout one semester. This value helps them present grades obtained within the framework of more universally accepted understanding required for some academic or professional purposes.

Also read: How to calculate the percentage of marks?

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Grading System at SPPU

The grading system used at SPPU is based on a scale of 10 points where each corresponds with specific marks range and carries certain grade point respectively:

GradePercentageGrade Points
O (Outstanding)90-100%10
A+ (Excellent)80-89%9
A (Very Good)70-79%8
B+ (Good)60-69%7
B (Above Average)50-59%6
C (Average)45-49%5
P (Pass)40-44%4
F (Fail)Below 40%0

Each course’s grade points are multiplied by its credit hours, and the sum is divided by the total credit hours to calculate the SGPA for that semester.

Also Read: How to Convert CGPA to Percentage?


What is the formula for converting SGPA to percentage at SPPU?

Multiply your SGPA with 10 and then subtract 7.5 from the total [(SGPA * 10) – 7.5 = Percentage]

Can this formula be used for all programs at SPPU?

Yes, this conversion formula works for both undergraduate and postgraduate programs of study offered by Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Why should I convert my percentage into SGPA?

It becomes necessary sometimes because some institutions require it to be done so as part of evaluation process or any other application needs which may come up later on in life such as getting jobs etcetera where employers need accurate information about one's educational qualifications achieved during certain period.

How to convert SGPA to percentage SPPU?

  • First, calculate the SGPA of all the semesters.
  • Once you get the SGPA of all the semesters, add them.
  • Divide the summation of the SGPAs by the number of semesters you have given.
  • Multiply your SGPA with 10 and then subtract 7.5 from the total [(SGPA * 10) – 7.5 = Percentage]
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