
How to convert SGPA to percentage? - SGPA Calculator

Updated on: Jul 18, 2024
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How to convert SGPA to percentage? - SGPA Calculator
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To convert SGPA to Percentage, we need to multiply SGPA by 10 and then subtract it with the 7.5 from the result, which will give us the percentage, (SGPA *10)-7.5

The SGPA metric you come across during college or university days plays a vital role in various situations, including employment options. This 10-point scale system shows a student's academic performance for a semester.

What is SGPA full form?

The full form of SGPA is Semester Grade Point Average. It is the weighted average of all grade points earned in all courses taken during a semester in your college or university.

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Elements of SGPA

  • Grades - These are the grades awarded to students based on their performance in each course.
  • Grade points - A grading scale is used to evaluate the performance of students in each course, assigning grade points corresponding to the grades achieved.
  • Credit - Each course or subject undertaken in a semester is assigned a certain number of credits.

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Also read: How to calculate the percentage of marks?

How to calculate SGPA?

  • Note down all your credit points for each subject.
  • Then, take your grade points for all subjects.
  • Multiply the credit points of each subject with the grade that you achieved in the same.
  • Add all the scores you got.
  • Next, divide the total score by the sum of all the credit points.
  • The number that you get is your SGPA.

Here’s the formula to determine your SGPA.

SGPA = Sum of points obtained in the semester/ Sum of credits obtained in the semester

You can get the sum of points in the semester.

Sum of points = Sum of (Number of credits x Grade points obtained)

Example: Here’s a sample scorecard for a semester.

SubjectCredit pointsGrade pointsSum of (No. of credits x Grade points)
Subject A373 x 7 = 21
Subject B484 x 8 = 32
Subject C494 x 9 = 36

SGPA = Sum of points obtained in the semester/Sum of credits obtained in the semester

SGPA = 21 + 32 + 36/3 + 4 + 4

SGPA = 89/11

SGPA = 8.09

Use the above SGPA Calculator to know the percentage by entering the SGPA value.

Achieved a higher SGPA? Apply today and begin your study abroad journey now!

How to convert SGPA into percentage?

  • First, calculate the SGPA of all the semesters.
  • Once you get the SGPA of all the semesters, add them.
  • Divide the summation of the SGPAs by the number of semesters you have given.
  • Multiply your SGPA with 10 and then subtract 7.5 from the total [(SGPA * 10) – 7.5 = Percentage].

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SGPA to Percentage Calculation

To convert your SGPA into a percentage by multiplying the SGPA by 10 and then subtracting it with 7.5 from the result to get your percentage.

SGPA to percentage formula: Percentage = (SGPA x 10) - 7.5         

Example 1:

Find the percentage of SGPA 8.7.

Percentage = (SGPA x 10) - 7.5

Percentage = (8.7 x 10) - 7.5

Percentage = 87 - 7.5

Percentage = 79.5%

Example 2:

Here’s another example to help you better understand the formula.          
SGPA = 7.3

Percentage = (SGPA x 10) - 7.5

Percentage = (7.3 x 10) - 7.5

Percentage = 73 - 7.5

Percentage = 65.5%

Achieve Your Goals: Study Abroad with Your High CGPA

Also Read: How to Convert CGPA to Percentage?

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SGPA to percentage conversion table


Difference between SGPA and CGPA

SGPA is a Semester Grade Point Average that adds all the CGPAs after an educational program. A 10-point scale system to show your academic performance for a semester.

CGPA means Cumulative Grade Point Average and is the measuring grade for your overall performance during an academic year. Used to measure grades for your overall performance for an academic year.

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Letter Grades Approved by UGC

Percentage of MarksGradeGrade Points
90-100%O (Outstanding)10
80-90%A+ (Excellent)9
70-80%A (Very Good)8
60-70%B+ (Good)7
50-60%B (Average)6
40-50%C (Pass)5
Below 40%F (Fail)0

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SGPA calculations for different Indian universities

How to convert SGPA into a percentage at Pune University?

Pune University students can obtain their percentage from the SGPA using the formula below.

Percentage = SGPA x 8.8

Example: A student scored an SGPA of 8.6 in Subject A. Here’s the calculation to convert the SGPA into percentage.

Percentage = SGPA x 8.8

Percentage = 8.6 x 8.8

Percentage = 75.68%

Also read: SPPU SGPA to percentage

How to convert SGPA into a percentage in AKTU University?

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University follows the usual method to convert their SGPA to percentage. Here’s how AKTU students can convert their SGPA to percentage.

Percentage = (SGPA x 10) - 7.5

Example: What is the percentage for an SGPA of 9.1 points?

Percentage = (SGPA x 10) - 7.5

Percentage = (9.1 x 10) - 7.5

Percentage = 91 - 7.5

Percentage = 83.5%

Also read: Anna University GPA Calculator

How to calculate SGPA at JNTUH University?

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) students are given grade points (GP) for each course based on the letter grade secured. The corresponding credit points (CP) are calculated by multiplying the grade point by the number of credits for that particular course.

Grading table for JNTUH University


Also read: SPPU CGPA to percentage

How to calculate the percentage from SGPA and CGPA in engineering?

Students mostly get their engineering examination results in SGPA & CGPA grade points. It is essential to convert these metrics to percentages for various purposes. You can calculate using the given formula or use online CGPA and SGPA calculators to get the equivalent resultant percentage.

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How to calculate SGPA in VTU?

The Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) adopts an absolute grading system wherein the marks are converted to grades, and every semester's results will be declared with semester SGPA metrics.

“The SGPA will calculate the CGPA every semester except the first one since the CGPA records the grades for the entire academic year.”

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CGPA Calculators for Other Universities


What does SGPA mean?

SGPA is the weighted average of all grade points earned in all courses taken during the semester. It indicates a student's performance in a particular semester. SGPA plays a major role in admission into universities and obtaining job opportunities.

How to convert SGPA into percentage?

Here’s the formula to convert your SGPA to percentage.

(SGPA *10)-7.5

Is CGPA and SGPA the same?

No, CGPA and SGPA are different grading metrics. SGPA is the grade a student receives in a particular semester, whereas CGPA is the overall grade calculated at the end of the academic year.

How to convert the SGPA into CGPA?

Add the SGPAs obtained and divide the sum by the number of semesters included to acquire your CGPA score.

What is a good SGPA?

Any SGPA above nine is considered a good score in several educational institutions.

How can I convert 8.93 SGPA to percentage?

The percentage for SGPA score of 8.93 is 81.8%.

What is 8.5 SGPA in percentage?

The percentage for SGPA score of 8.5 is 77.5%.

What is 7 SGPA in percentage?

The percentage for an SGPA score of 7 is 62.5%.

What is 7.5 SGPA in percentage?

The percentage for an SGPA score of 7.5 is 67.5%.

What is 6 SGPA in percentage?

The percentage for an SGPA score of 6 is 52.5%.

How to convert CGPA to percentage?

Here’s the formula to convert your Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) to percentage.

Percentage = CGPA x 9.5

What is 7.04 CGPA in percentage?

Percentage = CGPA x 9.5

Percentage = 7.04 x 9.5

Percentage = 66.88%

What is 7.09 CGPA to percentage?

Percentage = CGPA x 9.5

Percentage = 7.09 x 9.5

Percentage = 67.35%

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SGPA to Percentage calculator
SGPA to Percentage convertor
Grading system
How to convert SGPA into Percentage
Convert SGPA to Percentage
SGPA to Percentage Converter
SGPA into percentage
SGPA full form
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