MS History
Take your passion for history a step further and get a master’s degree.
Our graduate program gives you the opportunity to explore your favorite topics extensively. You can choose between a thesis option or a field of study option, both offering freedom to study what you’re most interested in. At Illinois State, we provide a challenging program that is flexible and diverse to fit your needs. In addition to some basic requirements, you are given the option to choose the courses that intrigue you the most.
You can make use of your degree in a variety of ways, whether you’re going into education, law, or public history. After completing our program, you’ll have the tools to take your career of choice to the next level.
Mastering in history helps advance your educational and professional development. Our faculty is known for specializing in a wide range of backgrounds, geographic areas, periods and sub-fields of history. While you explore various historical topics that interest you, you can also take courses outside of the history department to help develop your own unique credentials.