FdA Montessori Pedagogy
Are you someone who would like to
Then studying for a Foundation Degree in Montessori Pedagogy (AMI 3-6) awarded by UEL may be just the course for you! Since the course is being offered in collaboration with the Maria Montessori Institute you will also receive the teaching Diploma awarded by the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), the organisation set up by Maria Montessori herself, to ensure the spread of authentic Montessori practice. The courses delivered by the Maria Montessori Institute have evolved directly from those first delivered by Maria Montessori and her son Mario between 1919 and 1951.
The partnership between the Maria Montessori Institute and UEL combines expertise in training highly valued Montessori teachers with an outstanding reputation in teacher education and childhood studies.
Montessori is a developmental approach to education that recognises and encourages the natural curiosity of children and their innate drive to learn. It emphasises learning by doing, along with self-expression and collaboration. Montessori-educated children are confident, creative and independent individuals, well-prepared for life. They become responsible decision makers, respectful of the needs of others and their natural environment, with a life-long love of learning.
On our course you will study in-depth Montessori pedagogy and practices for the child aged between 3 and 6. Study includes: