Improving your GRE reading comprehension: tips and strategies

Updated on: Feb 14, 2023
Improving your GRE reading comprehension: tips and strategies
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Reading comprehension is an important part of the GRE and requires careful reading, understanding, and analysis of the passages you come across.

With the right strategies, you can improve your GRE reading comprehension and get the score you need to get into the school of your dreams.

In this guide, we will provide you with tips and strategies to help you increase your GRE reading comprehension score.

Introduction to GRE reading comprehension

GRE reading comprehension is a section of the GRE test used to measure a student’s ability to understand written passages and comprehend the material. The section consists of several reading passages of varying lengths, followed by a series of questions testing a student’s comprehension of the passage.

The passages typically come from various topics, including science, history, philosophy, and literature. Students need to identify the main ideas and supporting details, make inferences, draw conclusions, and recognize the author’s purpose and tone. The questions can be multiple-choice or require written answers.

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Tips and strategies to improve GRE reading comprehension

There are several different strategies you can use to improve your GRE reading comprehension. Here are the 15 best tips and strategies to help you get the most out of every passage:

1. Read the passage in its entirety before trying to answer questions

One of the most important tips for improving GRE reading comprehension is to read the passage in its entirety before attempting to answer any questions. This is important because it allows you to get the full context of what is being discussed and provides a better overall understanding of the material.

Additionally, it can help you gain insight into the author’s intent and the overall structure of the passage. Taking the time to read the entire passage will also help you save time when it comes to answering the questions.

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2. Skim & scan

When you are preparing for the GRE, skimming and scanning are key strategies to improve your reading comprehension. Skimming allows you to quickly identify the main ideas of the text and understand the structure of the passage, while scanning allows you to quickly locate the specific details you need to answer the questions.

When you are skimming, focus on the introductory and concluding sentences, main topic sentences, and headings; when you are scanning, focus on the specific details that are relevant to the questions.

3. Utilize two passes when reading

Another effective strategy to improve your GRE reading comprehension is to utilize two passes when reading a passage. During the first pass, you should focus on the main idea and general structure of the passage. During the second pass, you should focus on the details of the passage and thoroughly analyze the evidence presented.

This will help you better understand complicated passages and allow you to pick up on keywords or phrases that might be necessary for you to know to answer certain questions.

4. Read actively, not passively

When reading for comprehension on the GRE, it is important to read actively rather than passively. Therefore, you should read actively using the process of SQ3R (survey, question, read, recite, review).

First, survey the text and form an initial understanding of the topic. Then, ask yourself questions about what you have just read to focus your attention. Next, read the text carefully and make sure to take note of any key points. Next, recite the main ideas as a way to help you remember them. Finally, review the material and ensure you understand the presented ideas.

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5. Make a note of any unfamiliar vocabulary words

GRE reading comprehension passages typically contain words that are unfamiliar to many test-takers. It is important to identify these words and make a note of them to increase your understanding of the passage.

When you encounter a word you don’t recognize, take some time to look up the definition in a dictionary or online. After you understand the word's meaning, use it in a sentence to help you remember it. This will help you better understand the text and improve your vocabulary for the verbal section of the GRE.

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6. Focus on the main idea of each paragraph

The key to successful reading comprehension is to focus on the main idea of each paragraph. Read the first sentence of each paragraph and see if you can identify the main idea. Once you have identified the main idea, use context clues to understand the text further.

Try to make connections between the paragraphs and look for patterns or similarities. This will help you identify the main points of the passage and understand how they relate to each other.

7. Look for any contradictions or inconsistencies

Contradictions and inconsistencies can be a good indicator of the main idea of a passage. For example, if the author presents two different points of view and then argues against one of them, the opposing viewpoint is likely to be the main idea of the passage.

Additionally, inconsistencies can also point to an overall theme or point of the passage, so it is important to look for any present contradictions or inconsistencies.

8. Make connections

Another strategy to improve your reading comprehension on the GRE is to make connections between the text and other ideas or facts you already know. Try to draw upon background information or prior knowledge to understand the text better.

Additionally, look for relationships between different parts of the text and make a note of any similarities or patterns. Making connections will help you understand the text better and answer the questions more effectively.

9. Pay special attention to transition words

Transition words are used to connect one idea to the next seamlessly, and they can be an important clue in understanding the structure of the passage. By paying extra attention to the transition words, you can better understand the relationship between the different ideas presented and make connections between them.

Looking out for words such as “furthermore,” “in addition,” or “however” can help you better understand the relationships that the author is trying to convey between different parts of the passage.

10. Read different types of texts

It is important to practice different reading types of texts to improve your GRE reading comprehension. This could include reading newspapers, magazines, blog posts, short stories, and other types of literature.

By reading a variety of text types, you will become more familiar with the structure, language, and writing styles of different types of texts. This will help you understand the material presented on the GRE more easily and quickly.

11. Practice timing yourself

When studying for the GRE, it is important to practice timing yourself when reading. By setting a timer for each passage, you can become more aware of how long it takes to read and comprehend a passage. This will help you become more familiar with the time constraints of the GRE so that you can use your time efficiently when taking the test.

By tracking your progress, you can also identify areas where you can improve, such as speed reading or more efficient note-taking, to improve your reading comprehension skills further.

12. Take Notes

Taking notes while reading can help you remember key details and make the passage easier to process. Try underlining or highlighting important words and phrases, paraphrasing main ideas and writing down any questions that come to mind while going through the text.

This will make it easier to reference back when answering questions and help you focus your attention on specific sections of the passage without having to re-read it in its entirety every time.

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13. Use memory techniques

Memory techniques can be an effective way to improve your GRE reading comprehension. For example, you can use mnemonic devices to recall information quickly and accurately. You can also use visual cues, like mind maps and diagrams, to remember key facts and ideas.

Additionally, reading the text aloud can help you to better understand difficult concepts. Finally, breaking the text down into smaller chunks can also help you to better comprehend and remember what you are reading.

14. Practice with sample questions

Practising with GRE sample questions can help you better understand the material you are reading and improve your reading comprehension. First, read the text carefully and thoroughly, paying close attention to the details. After you have read the text, take some time to answer the sample questions. This will help you evaluate how well you have understood the material and identify any areas you need to review.

Additionally, practising with sample questions can provide an opportunity for you to better apply the memory techniques you have been using, as you can recall important facts and ideas from the text.

15. Develop your vocabulary

An extensive vocabulary is a large part of improving your GRE reading comprehension. This is because the questions on the GRE often use words that are not commonly used in everyday language.

Frequently asked questions

1. What does the GRE reading comprehension test?

GRE reading comprehension is a section of the GRE test used to measure a student’s ability to understand written passages and comprehend the material. The section consists of several reading passages of varying lengths, followed by a series of questions testing a student’s comprehension of the passage. 

2. What different memory techniques can you use to improve your GRE reading comprehension?

You can use mnemonic devices to recall information quickly and accurately. You can also use visual cues, like mind maps and diagrams, to remember key facts and ideas. Additionally, reading the text aloud can help you to understand difficult concepts better. 

3. How can skimming and scanning help in improving your GRE reading comprehension?

Skimming and scanning can improve GRE reading comprehension by allowing readers to identify the main points in a passage quickly. Skimming involves quickly reading a text to understand its main ideas, while scanning involves focusing on specific words or phrases.

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