Student Life

What’s student life like in the UK?

Updated on: Jan 2, 2024
What’s student life like in the UK?
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The UK is a top international student destination for a reason! Studying in the UK offers an endless array of entertaining activities, opportunities to meet new people – and of course gain a world-class education.
With vibrant, cosmopolitan cities, stunning landscapes, and welcoming communities, you’ll feel right at home in no time. There’s plenty to do for adventurous students, from arts and culture venues to sampling delicious food and exploring the country with new friends.
Student life in the UK is a truly unforgettable experience. To help you make the most of your time in the country, here’s the main things to expect from international student life in the UK.

Arts and Culture 

Britain is famed for its world-leading museums and galleries. For anyone undertaking study in the UK – a trip to the capital to take in the Tate Modern, National Gallery, or British Museum is a must. No matter where your university is based, all the UK’s cities proudly boast their own galleries, museums, and vibrant performing arts venues (including theatres, gig spaces, and concert halls).
Live arts and music really are important to the Brits. It’s a large part of international student life in the UK. If you’re lucky enough to spend a summer in the country, try one of the fantastic festivals (just remember your wellies!). Glastonbury is the biggest, but there are many smaller student-friendly events up and down the country.

Also Read: How to make new friends when studying abroad

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Multicultural Communities

Did you know English isn’t the only native official language of the UK? During your time studying in the country, you might hear Gaelic and Scots in Scotland, Cornish in Cornwall, or Welsh in Wales. What’s more, it’s estimated you can hear over 300 languages in London alone!
This makes the UK an exceptionally welcoming country for international students. It’s also a multi-faith society that makes students of all religions feel welcome. Universities have a deep commitment to supporting students’ religious needs on campus, with prayer rooms and multi-faith chaplaincy services. It’s against the law to discriminate against anyone due to religion, race, or nationality – just one of the reasons why students all over the world enjoy student life in the UK.
With all this in mind, don’t be scared to share and proudly display your own national traditions and customs. Do remember that English language ability is still essential for study in the UK however – as your lectures, seminars, essays, and exams all require fluency.

British Weather 

If you’re planning to study in the UK… there’s one thing we’ve got to mention. Yes, it’s the British weather. It can certainly be unpredictable, with drizzling rain, blustery wind, sunshine, and clouds all in one day! There’s a reason the Brits love talking about it so much.
The good news is the UK climate is rarely extreme. With the right clothes and an adventurous attitude, you can enjoy the great outdoors no matter what. UK universities are often located in beautiful towns and cities (with picturesque countryside never far away), so whether it’s lazing in the park, sunbathing at the beach, dancing at a muddy festival, or a scenic snow-covered walk – there’s always something to do. 

Travel and Transport 

Wherever you’re based in the UK – the country boasts excellent road and public transport links. Full-time students enjoy discounted travel on train and bus routes, and there’s also a “16-25 railcard” that gives a third off rail travel. London, Glasgow, and Liverpool all have underground rail systems, whilst some other cities have trams.
As a small island, you can get from end to end with ease. For instance, London to Edinburgh takes just four hours by train. There are also international coaches, flight connections, and the Eurostar channel tunnel, meaning continental Europe is just a few hours away.
Of course, if you’re feeling energetic – walking and cycling are a big part of student life in the UK. So get out there, explore and make friends! If your skills are a little rusty, many universities have cycling clubs and workshops on bike safety and maintenance. 

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Food and Holidays 

Last but not least for international student life in the UK, is the amazing variety of food and drink out there! Food is often top of the list of things international students miss abroad. You’re likely to find something from home if you look hard enough though.
The UK boasts fabulous food markets to explore (Borough Market and Brixton Market in London are particularly worth a trip). There are also great restaurants from diverse cultures and food traditions. Despite this, cooking with flatmates is also a major part of student life in the UK – a way to hone your skills and build positive relationships. Just make sure you’ve decided who’s doing the washing up…
If you’re searching for inspiration, research traditional dishes for the many holidays and events celebrated in the UK. From New Year’s Day to Chinese New Year, Burns Night (Haggis anyone?), Easter lamb, Bonfire night toffee-apples, or an Eid al-Fitr feast… the possibilities are endless.

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Edvoy partners with almost 100 amazing academic institutions across the UK. So no matter where your interests and aspirations lie, you’re bound to find a course and university that’s perfect for you. If you’ve already successfully applied and are looking forward to studying in the UK – we wish you all the best for your upcoming adventure!

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Guest Author | Study Abroad Expert

Amelia has a background in academic publishing, education and digital marketing, She is a freelance writer with a love o...Read More

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