IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a positive change in your life

Updated on: Oct 16, 2024

In the IELTS Speaking test, Part 2, you’ll get the chance to talk on a specific topic for up to two minutes. This part, often called the Cue Card section, is about how clearly and fluently you can express your thoughts. 

For the topic "Describe a positive change in your life", think about a change that has truly improved your life. It could be a new habit you’ve adopted, a personal achievement you’re proud of, or a shift in your job or studies that’s brought you more happiness or health.

On this page, you’ll find some sample answers and helpful vocabulary to guide you as you prepare your response. Plus, there are follow-up questions to help you feel ready for Part 3. 

Describe a positive change in your life

  • What was the change about?
  • When did it happen?
  • How did it happen?
  • How did it affect you later in life?

Sample answer 1: Focus on physical health

One positive change in my life has been prioritising my physical health. This transformation began after I was infected with dengue fever, which left me feeling very weak. It was during my recovery that I realised the importance of taking care of my body—not just in terms of appearance, but how I truly felt inside.

This change happened about two years ago. After weeks of illness, I understood that my health needed to become a top priority. I decided to incorporate regular exercise into my daily routine. Whether it was yoga, going to the gym, or simply walking and dancing, I made sure to dedicate at least an hour each day to physical activity.

Along with exercise, I started paying more attention to my nutrition. I focused on eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. I began snacking on healthier options like fox nuts. I also made it a point to get adequate sleep by going to bed by 10 PM every night, aiming for around 8 hours of rest.

This change has greatly influenced my life. I feel more energised and mindful of my health choices. It has not only helped me recover from dengue but also made me more resilient and focused on my everyday life. As the saying goes, “Health is wealth”, and I now truly understand the meaning of this phrase. This journey has taught me that taking care of my body is essential for overall well-being, and I continue to prioritise my health every day.

Watch our YouTube video for helpful tips for Part 2! 

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Sample answer 2: Mindfulness and meditation

A positive change in my life has been embracing mindfulness through meditation. This transformation allowed me to live more in the present, rather than getting caught up in the past or worrying about the future.

This change began about a year back when I attended a ten-day, free Vipassana meditation boot camp. My brother encouraged me to join after he had an amazing experience there, and I decided to give it a try. Vipassana is a type of mindfulness meditation rooted in the teachings of the Buddha. It focuses on observing oneself without judgement and it can lead to a deeper understanding of one’s thoughts and feelings.

Participating in this camp was life-changing. Each day involved several hours of meditation, which taught me to focus on my breath and acknowledge my thoughts without getting overwhelmed by them. I learned to approach life with a sense of calm and clarity. 

Since then, the impact on my life has been profound. I’ve noticed a tremendous decrease in my stress and anxiety levels. I’ve also developed healthy habits, like waking up early and going to bed on time, which has improved my overall well-being. This experience truly helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel, as I now approach challenges with a clearer mind and a more positive attitude. Embracing mindfulness has not only improved my daily life but has also equipped me with tools to navigate tough situations more gracefully and mindfully.

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Sample answer 3: Continuous learning and new hobbies

One positive change in my life has been my commitment to continuous learning. This shift started about two years ago when I realised that I wanted to keep my mind active and grow personally and professionally.

The change began during a difficult time at work. I felt stagnant and unmotivated, so I decided it was time to shake things up. I started by picking up a few new hobbies, such as painting and gardening. These activities not only helped me relax but also sparked my creativity. In addition, I enrolled in online courses related to my field and even started reading regularly. I made it a goal to read at least one book a month, ranging from fiction to self-improvement.

As I involved myself in these new experiences, I noticed a significant change in my outlook. I became more confident and open-minded. Learning new skills and gaining knowledge broadened my horizons, and I found it easier to engage in conversations and share ideas.

It’s true what they say: "The more you learn, the more you earn". This change didn't just develop my personal life; it also boosted my career. I started taking on new responsibilities at work and even got promoted because my efforts were being recognised.

This positive change not only added to my life but has also instilled in me a sense of purpose in living and fulfilment that I enjoy to this day.

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Following are some vocabulary words employed in the sample answers provided for:

Describe a positive change in your life – IELTS Cue Card.

Word (Adjective): Resilient

Meaning: Strong enough to deal with illness, shock, change, etc.

Usage: It has not only helped me recover from dengue but also made me more resilient and focused on my everyday

Phrase: Health is wealth

Meaning: Physical and mental well-being is more important than wealth in terms of life satisfaction. It implies that good health is a prerequisite for enjoying the fruits of your labour.

Usage: As the saying goes, “Health is wealth”, and I now truly understand the meaning of this phrase.

Word (Verb): Embrace

Meaning: To embrace something is to welcome it with open arms, hold, hug, and accept it completely.

Usage: A positive change in my life has been embracing mindfulness through meditation. 

Figure of speech (idiom): Caught up in

Meaning: Involved in a difficult or confusing situation

Usage: This transformation allowed me to live more in the present, rather than getting caught up in the past or worrying about the future.

Word (Noun): Boot camp

Meaning: A short, intensive, and rigorous course of training.

Usage: This change began about a year back when I attended a ten-day, free Vipassana meditation boot camp. 

Phrase: See the light at the end of the tunnel

Meaning: an indication that a long period of difficulty is nearing an end.

Usage: This experience truly helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel, as I now approach challenges with a clearer mind and a more positive attitude.

Watch the video to discover what to expect in IELTS Speaking Part 1, plus tips and strategies to tackle this section!

Word (Noun): Commitment

Meaning: being prepared to give a lot of your time and attention to something because you believe it is right or important.

Usage: One positive change in my life has been my commitment to continuous learning.

Phrase: Shake things up

Meaning: A phrasal verb that means to cause significant changes in something, usually to make improvements. 

Usage: I felt stagnant and unmotivated, so I decided it was time to shake things up. I started by picking up a few new hobbies, such as painting and gardening.

Phrase: Spark up

Meaning: To cause something to start or develop, especially suddenly.

Usage: These activities not only helped me relax but also sparked my creativity.

Phrase: Broaden horizons

Meaning: To increase the range of things that someone knows about or has experienced.

Usage: Learning new skills and gaining knowledge broadened my horizons, and I found it easier to engage in conversations and share ideas.

Phrase: The more you learn, the more you earn

Meaning: The more you learn, the more you earn is a statement that means learning the right things can increase your earning power. It's based on the idea that there's a strong link between education and earning potential

Usage: It’s true what they say: "The more you learn, the more you earn". This change didn't just develop my personal life; it also boosted my career.

Want to learn more vocabulary words? Join the free IELTS Masterclass and enhance your vocabulary with expert guidance!

5 sample follow-up questions

  • Do you think changes are always good? [Why/Why not?]

I do not think changes are always good. While changes can bring improvements, it can also challenge us. For example, new technology can make our lives easier and help us work more efficiently leading to better education and communication.

On the other hand, when companies change their methods, some workers might lose their jobs. Additionally, changes in culture can sometimes lead to a loss of traditions and values. Therefore, while change can be positive, it can also have negative effects. It is essential to consider the context and the potential consequences of changes before deciding if they are good or bad.

  • Do you believe that with age, we become more positive about life and tend to change with our surroundings? [Why/Why not?]

I believe that with age, most people do become more positive about life. As we grow older, we often gain more experience and learn to appreciate the little things. This leads to a more hopeful and grateful outlook on life. Older people focus more on what truly matters, such as family, friendships and health.

At the same time, age can help us adapt to our surroundings. We learn to be more flexible and open to change, which can improve our relationships and overall happiness. However, this can vary from person to person. Some may become set in their ways and resist change. Overall, age can bring both positivity and adaptability, but it depends on the individual.

  • What are some of the significant changes that usually occur to people in their lives?

Many significant changes can happen in a person’s life. The significance of a change can differ from person to person. One major change is moving from childhood to adulthood, which involves gaining more responsibilities and independence. This transition often includes finishing school, starting a career, or going to college. Relationships also change during this time, as people may form deeper connections, get married, or become parents.

Another important change is related to health and ageing. As people grow older, they face physical changes and health challenges. This leads to a shift in priorities, with a greater focus on maintaining well-being and enjoying life. People also experience changes in their social circles, such as losing friends or family members, which can impact their perspective on life.

These changes shape a person's identity and outlook as they navigate different stages of life.

Watch our YouTube video for expert tips, top strategies, and sample questions and answers to get a high score on your IELTS Speaking test, Part 3 follow-ups!

  • Is it important for people to make changes according to their surroundings? [Why/Why not?]

Yes, it is important for people to make changes according to their surroundings. Adapting to changes in the environment can help individuals cope with new challenges and opportunities. For example, in a rapidly changing job market, learning new skills can increase job security and improve career prospects. Being flexible allows people to thrive in different situations.

Additionally, making changes based on surroundings can enhance relationships and community connections. When individuals adjust their behaviour to fit the needs of others, it fosters better communication and understanding. This leads to stronger bonds and a more supportive environment. Overall, adapting to surroundings helps individuals grow and succeed in various aspects of life.

  • How have young people's expectations of their lives changed over the decade? Is this more positive or negative? 

Over the past decade, young people's expectations from their lives have changed significantly. Many now seek greater work-life balance, prioritise mental health, and value experiences over material possessions. With the rise of technology and social media, they also expect more flexibility in their careers and are more open to remote work. This shift reflects a desire for a fulfilling life rather than just traditional success.

These changes can be seen as mostly positive. Young people today are more aware of issues like mental health and social justice, which pushes them to pursue meaningful goals. However, there can be negative aspects, such as increased pressure to succeed and comparison with others on social media. 

While the expectations have evolved, they often lead to a healthier and more balanced approach to life.

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Check out our video for practice topics to boost your IELTS Speaking Part 3 discussion skills!

5 practice Cue Card questions

Your preparation for this Cue Card will also help you answer the following cue card topics:

  1. Talk about an important event in your life
  2. Describe a change you would like to have in you
  3. Describe something you want to do in the future
  4. Describe a bad habit you had
  5. Talk about something you started doing lately

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Also, check out Edvoy’s comprehensive guide to IELTS cue cards to get access to 60 cue card practice questions for free.