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8 unusual careers with STEM degree

Updated on: Jun 26, 2024
8 unusual careers with STEM degree
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Just in case you didn’t know, STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. And frankly, there’s never been a more fruitful time to hold a degree in one (or more) of these fields.

Everybody knows that the world’s scientific and technological productivity has exploded in the last few decades. It hasn’t been a gradual development from the days of old either; since 1971, computer processing power has multiplied, quite literally, by one million. In fact, according to a nifty little theory called Moore’s Law, computer processing speed doubles every 18 months.

The point is that the doors have been thrown wide open for experts in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and our old and reliable friend, math. Fascinating, financially rewarding job openings are appearing thick and fast, but not all of these career paths tread the “normal” path.

Also read: What is a STEM degree?

8 Unusual Careers with a STEM Degree

We’ve done a little digging into STEM careers and emerged with several rather unusual ones that may catch your interest.

1. Ethical hacker

If we’re to believe the movies, computer hacking is a seriously cool thing to do. But it’s also a highly illegal thing to do. “Ethical hacking,” however, involves using your skills in the dark arts for the greater good. In short, it’s an ethical hacker’s job to think and act like a villain, to identify flaws and vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, and data.

2. Cryptozoologist

While ethical hacking makes total logical sense, the field of cryptozoology is a little more... out there, let’s say. Cryptozoologists spend their days trying to prove, or discover more about, the potential existence of mythical species. The Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, dragons, unicorns, and the like. Your chances of success in the job are understandably low, so you’ll have to be fond of the chase!

While it may sound like a ludicrous career, cryptozoology does have its merits. Once upon a time, species like the giant squid and the Komodo dragon were believed to be nothing more than fantasy. Thanks to fanatical cryptozoologists, though, they’ve been proven to be very real.

Also Read: STEM courses in USA

3. Volcanologist

Frequent travel to wonderful areas of natural beauty is coupled with the chance to save the world from disaster. Volcanoes are essentially ticking time bombs, so it’s imperative that we can correctly predict the likelihood of an eruption. That’s where volcanologists come in.

By studying samples of volcanic rock and ash and modeling volcano activity, volcanologists are responsible for alerting the world to the risk of an impending eruption. Another way of looking at it is this: Whereas meteorologists busy themselves by predicting the weather, volcanologists take things to a more extreme level. They’re a meteorologist’s much cooler older sibling!

4. Nuclear Engineer

Maybe this one isn’t so unusual, but how many nuclear engineers do you know? The topic of nuclear energy is something of a bone of contention. It’s simultaneously one of the cleanest yet most dangerous forms of energy available to us. The world has seen a few devastating nuclear accidents over the last three decades. Fukushima and Chornobyl come to mind.

But that’s precisely why more experts in the field are needed. It’s their job to build and maintain nuclear power plants and reactors, as well as ensure that nuclear waste can be safely managed. It’s the kind of job where mistakes could be catastrophic, but any advances made could save the world too!

Also read: Women in STEM: Breaking Stereotypes

5. Metalsmith

Metalsmithing might sound like a career choice from a long, distant past, but it’s alive and well today. Just look at all the metal used in every way, shape, and form in the world. Someone has to make it, right? The thing is, this is much more than a simple trade.

Metalsmithing is a craft that requires total expertise in the chemical and molecular properties of each metal. Metalsmiths might work in huge, mechanically abundant factories or on their own with a hammer, tongs, and a lot of physical effort. A job that’s part physical, part artistic flair, and part science? It sounds like a perfect balance to us!

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6. Toy designer

An amazing career if you’re still a big kid inside—and let’s face it, we all are! Engineering is the core skill of toy design. Well, engineering and imagination. You could go it alone and try to create the next huge kids’ toy or game, or you could get a job at the likes of Lego, Hasbro, or Mattel! Outside of toy making, STEM graduates with a youthful inclination could find themselves working in video game development or animation!

7. Beer brewer

It's quite the opposite of child’s play. Beer brewing is a pretty exact science, but with the world of craft beer brewing experiencing a huge boom as well as the continued success of multinational beer brands, expert brewers with backgrounds in microbiology or chemistry are in high demand.

While those big, already fully established brewing companies will have their recipe and brewing process perfected, the craft and startup beer industry comes with plenty of room for creativity with flavor profiles, fermentation processes, and ingredient selection. There’s a hint of the mad scientist surrounding some of the more avant-garde brewers out there!

8. Cosmetic scientist

Tasked with creating make-up, skin care products, shampoo, soap, perfume, and a whole truckload more, there’s some highly scientific laboratory work going on behind the scenes in the beauty and cosmetics industry. Anything else would be deeply irresponsible and potentially unsafe, after all!

If you head down the route of cosmetic science, you’ll come up with new or improved ideas for product formulations and trial them to perfection in the lab, hopefully avoiding animal testing in the process, since we like all things ethical here at Edvoy!

Related tags:
weird science jobs
unusual stem careers
unusual science jobs
cool stem jobs
interesting and unusual stem careers
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Guest Author | Study Abroad Expert

Sean, a freelance writer, copywriter, and editor hailing from Ireland. He finds fulfillment in delving into the world of...Read More

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