How to register for the TOEFL exam 2025?

Updated on: Mar 10, 2025

Students must complete the TOEFL registration before taking this exam. Also, students have a few options for the TOEFL exam registration and we provide all the important details about the process.

Read our handy step-by-step guide below so you can book a 2025 TOEFL exam. In addition, we provide information about pre-registration documents and exam preparation.

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TOEFL registration: Step-by-step guide

Generally, you can register for the TOEFL exam in a few minutes. However, students have different registration methods.

You can complete the process by phone, email or through the ETS platform. But students cannot register in-person at a local test centre.

Each method has different steps. Below, we provide an overview of the registration process for each method.

Register with ETS

Firstly, TOEFL students can complete the registration through the ETS website. According to ETS, this is the fastest way to register and the service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Also, different testing methods may appear depending on your country of residence. For instance, the test centre option is available in most countries. But the paper and online exam options are only available in certain nations.

Here are the step-by-step instructions for getting started with the ETS registration process.

  1. First, create an ETS account. You can do this by heading to the ETS TOEFL homepage and clicking ‘register now’. Then, on the login page, select ‘create an account’ and fill in the required details.
  2. Log back into your account using your username and password then select ‘register’.
  3. Next, you will have options to choose either the TOEFL test centre, home edition or paper edition. However, the paper and home testing options will not appear if unavailable in your country. 
  4. Choose your preferred testing method, test centre location (if applicable), your preferred test date and click ‘continue’.
  5. Then, read the important information document. Click to show you have read, understood and acknowledged the information to continue. 
  6. Fill out the identification information section with valid document information.
  7. Add institutions or ‘score recipients’ or ‘agent ID’ you would like to share test results with. Students can add up to four score recipients. 
  8. Finally, review your registration information, enter payment details and click pay now. You will receive email confirmation once the payment is verified.

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Phone registration

Students can also register for a TOEFL exam via telephone. Before beginning this registration method, you must have all necessary details and documentation available.

These include, a valid form of identification, access to personal details (address, full name and date of birth) and a valid payment method.

To complete the phone registration, students ring the following numbers depending on their location. Then, they follow the steps provided by the operator.

You can register by phone until 5 p.m. local test centre time on the day before the test.

Test LocationTelephone Number
United States+1-443-751-4862
U.S. Virgin Islands1-800-GO-TOEFL (1-800-468-6335)
Puerto Rico or Canada 
All other TOEFL locationsPhone Regional Registration Centre (RRC). Details available on the TOEFL ‘contact us’ page.

All other TOEFL locations Phone Regional Registration Centre (RRC). Details available on the TOEFL ‘contact us’ page.

Register by email

Alternatively, students can complete the registration for the TOEFL exam by email.

For this method, you must fill out the official online form available through the ETS website. Also, you need to input the exact codes for your institution, country and native language. All of these details are available through the ETS website too.

Once you have filled out the form, you can email the document to ETS along with your preferred payment method. The correct testing centre must receive the completed registration form at least 4 weeks before your exam takes place.

Any students emailing from the United States, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Canada can email the address that corresponds to your payment method listed on the registration form.

However, students based outside of these countries must email the local testing centre. All of the necessary Regional Registration Centre details for your country are available on the ETS website.

What do I need before the TOEFL exam registration?

Before starting the TOEFL registration process, students must provide the correct information and document details.

Failure to provide accurate and valid information can slow down the registration process. Also, late registration fees and rescheduling fees can apply.

Below, we show you everything you need before registering for the TOEFL exam.

Correct payment method

Currently, students can use a variety of methods to pay for their TOEFL exam registration. During the registration, you will be asked to provide a valid payment method to complete the process.

However, different methods are accepted based on how you register. For instance, you have more payment options when completing the registration through the ETS website compared to registering by phone.

The table below shows all the accepted payment methods for each registration method.

Registration methodPayment options
ETS Account Credit/debit card, Electronic check, PayPal
EmailCredit/debit card, Electronic check
PhoneCredit/debit card, Electronic check


All students who complete the TOEFL registration must confirm their identity with a valid ID document. Accepted ID requirements are different for each country and you can check the ETS website for correct ID forms.

Furthermore, students must enter the exact name spelling during registration that matches the ID document. If the name on your registration form and ID do not match, you cannot take the test and you may not receive a refund.

If you accidentally make a mistake on your registration form, contact TOEFL customer service immediately to change it.  Also, contact TOEFL if your name changes in the period between registration and the date of your test.

During registration, students must meet the following requirements with their chosen ID form.

  • Original documents only. No photocopies or ID documents on mobile phones are accepted.
  • Government issued identity cards or documents (such as a passport or driving licence) are widely accepted.
  • Expired documents cannot be used. Check the expiry date of your ID document so it is in date on the day of your test.
  • All accepted documents must have your full name and date of birth. Also, students must enter the exact name and date of birth as displayed on the ID document.
  • Document must contain a recent and clear photograph.
  • The ID document must have a clear signature. Students must produce a signature that matches the one on the ID on test day.

Further guidance

When registering for the TOEFL test, students must read the important information document and agree to the terms and conditions.

In these terms and conditions, the test requirements are included and students must be aware of these when preparing for the exam.

Also, the document contains some helpful advice that you can follow before selecting an exam date. These include:

  • Registering early so you can fully prepare for the exam. Available test centre dates are shown up to six months in advance.
  • Checking your ETS account the week and day before the test to review personal details and test date confirmation. Information can change, such as building name and exact time.
  • Taking the test with your applications in mind so you can include scores when applying to colleges or universities.
  • Setting up a testing area with the correct equipment if taking the home test. Students must be aware of the exact requirements for the home test. Failure to follow these can lead to additional fees or cancellation.

Exam preparation

Once you have booked a date, time and location for your TOEFL test, you can start preparing.

Before the exam, students can access a range of materials. These include, past papers, online course materials, exam preparation books and online seminars and talks.

In addition, TOEFL has a dedicated app that students can download. Here, you can find accessible course material to support preparation.

The TOEFL exam tests students on their ability to understand and use English in an academic setting. Overall, you are tested in four main areas; reading, listening, speaking and writing.

Taking the TOEFL test

On test day, students must follow certain steps to ensure they can take the exam fairly and securely.

But the process will be different if you take the exam at a testing centre or at home. Here, we share some of things to expect and prepare on test day.

Testing centre

If you are taking the TOEFL exam at a testing centre, you must bring the following items with you on test day.

  • The physical ID you used during the registration process.
  • A printout of confirmation (only for students taking the paper test.)
  • Pencils and eraser (only for students taking the paper test.)

Then, when you arrive at your selected test centre, you will go through the following steps.

  1. First, students arrive at their chosen test centre, check in and provide their physical ID document. 
  2. Them you review the test security process and check all equipment (headphone and microphone) is working. 
  3. Lastly, you take the test with scores and review steps taking place once the exam has finished.

Home testing

Alternatively, if students take the TOEFL test at home, the exam day has different steps. Before starting the test on a laptop or computer, students must have the correct equipment. Also, you must prepare a suitable test space that meets the exam requirements.

Students can only take the exam on desktop or a laptop and you must have access to a working speaker, microphone, monitor and camera. Also, you will need a pen, pencil, paper and a suitable chair and desktop surface.

Furthermore, students can only take the test on Firefox or Google Chrome browsers. You also need to install the ETS Secure Test Browser system before the test. This is available from the ETS official website.

Lastly, students must prepare a private testing area in a room with all doors closed. Also, the camera must face the entrance door and you cannot take the exam in a public place, like a library or café. No other people are allowed in the testing area while you complete the exam.


1.Do I need a TOEFL Login to take the test?

No, students can register to take the TOEFL test via telephone and email without an official login. But any students wanting to register through the ETS website will need to create an account on the site.

2.Where can I register for the test?

Currently, students can register for the TOEFL test at home via a desktop, mobile device or telephone. Students cannot complete the registration in-person at one of the local test centres.

3. How much does the TOEFL exam cost?

The exam registration fee is $190. Students pay this fee once they have completed all other registration steps and it provides entry to take the TOEFL test. However, late fees can apply for various reasons including, late registration and rescheduling.