IELTS Speaking questions with answers 2024

Updated on: Jun 10, 2024

Are you looking forward to pursuing higher education abroad? If yes, then be mindful that many reputable colleges or universities want non-native speakers to prove their language proficiency.

Notably, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) evaluates how effectively a candidate can communicate in English. Trusted by around 12,000 organisations in more than 140 countries worldwide, it assesses four key skills, including listening, reading, writing and speaking.

Read ahead to know IELTS Speaking questions with answers and tips to prepare well.

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What are IELTS Speaking questions with answers?

The IELTS Speaking test assesses your spoken English skills. As part of the test which lasts from 11 minutes to 14 minutes, candidates engage in a conversation on different topics with an IELTS examiner who encourages them to continue speaking. The test gauges candidates’ language skills, including fluency, expression, coherence, lexical resources, accuracy, grammatical range and pronunciation.

Notably, IELTS Speaking questions cover various aspects of life, social issues, global trends and personal experiences. And, IELTS Speaking questions remain the same for both IELTS Academic and General Training. Also, there’s no negative marking for any response in this section.

If you have any IELTS-related query, then reach out to Edvoy.

IELTS Speaking test format

The IELTS Speaking test has three parts:

  • Introduction (4-5 minutes): In this subsection, a candidate is asked to introduce himself/herself. Then, the IELTS examiner asks generic questions about family background, studies, work experience, and interests/hobbies.
  • Long turn (3-4 minutes): In this round, a task card featuring a topic to speak on with some cues, is given to a candidate. Also, the candidate gets one minute to organise his/her thoughts on the topic. Additionally, paper and pencil are offered to prepare notes. Then, up to two minutes are allowed to speak on the given subject, which is followed by some related questions.
  • Two-way discussion (4-5 minutes): In this part of the Speaking test, the examiner will raise some issues related to the topic discussed in the previous round. Candidates must take this opportunity to share more ideas related to the subject.

Also read: IELTS Cue card

IELTS Speaking topics with answers

Notably, nothing is considered wrong in the Speaking section. That is why, it is recommended to not memorise answers to expected IELTS Speaking questions but to read generic information to face questions confidently.

Here, we will discuss some popular IELTS Speaking topics with answers:

  • Personal information: When introducing yourself, start with your name, followed by occupation and where you are from. Then, talk about your family members and educational qualifications. You can also take this opportunity to describe your hometown.

While answering introduction questions, you must be mindful of the following:

Speak naturallyNo fancy words
Behave professionallyNo scripted answers
Keep your responses shortDon’t be overly informal
No one-word answers 
  • Future plans: Any question dealing with your aspirations, must feature your goals and ambitions as the answer. Also, you can share your thoughts on the importance of setting goals. Besides, you can share your plans for higher education as an answer to this question. 
  • Work and education: If asked to describe your current or past studies, your job/future career plans, or your favourite subject, then don’t just give one-word answers, but try to offer some related details to display your skills. 
  • Hobbies and/or interests: If you are asked about your favourite leisure activities, then talk about sports you enjoy or follow. Also, you can talk about your hobbies and the reasons you like them.
  • Media and technology: The IELTS examiner may also ask you to talk about your favourite websites or apps. You may also be asked to discuss the impact of social media or the advantages and disadvantages of technology. The best way to answer related questions is to draw inspiration from your surroundings. Try to substantiate your statements with relevant examples. 
  • Health and fitness: Some typical questions that get asked are related to the importance of a healthy lifestyle, following an exercise routine or consuming junk food. By drawing ideas from your personal life, you can hold a meaningful discussion easily. 
  • Travel and tourism: You may be asked to describe a memorable trip or a place you would like to visit. Also, the examiner may ask to discuss the importance of travel. Deal with such topics by sharing your personal experiences and/or narrating stories.
  • Environment and conservation: You may be asked to discuss environmental issues, steps to protect the environment or your opinion on sustainable living. The key to holding a relevant discussion on these topics is sharing your honest views. 
  • Culture and traditions: You can read general information on this topic and utilise the same to organise your thoughts while discussing a traditional festival, preserving cultural heritage or globalisation.
  • Social issues: You must keep yourself updated with the social issues in your country. This will help you face questions like discuss the causes of poverty, the impact of immigration or about gender equality, with confidence. 

If you are seeking guidance from IELTS experts, then consider joining Edvoy’s IELTS Masterclass to excel in the Speaking exam.

Let’s also discuss some expected IELTS Speaking questions and answers or the ways to respond well:

IELTS Speaking part 1 questions and answers

The questions in this part test your ability to communicate your opinions and information on everyday topics. The IELTS examiner asks some scripted questions. He/she may also prompt you to extend your response with a “why?” or “why not?” if need be. 

Some expected questions related to a candidate’s home town or village include:

What kind of place is your home town?

Changsari is a small village in the Kamrup district of Assam. It is situated on the northern bank of the River Brahmaputra.

What’s interesting about your town?

Surrounded by hills and greenery all around, Changsari is popular for bird-watching and its peaceful environment

What kind of jobs are available in your town?

Most of the people in my home town are engaged in farming and related activities. Others are pursuing government jobs or running small businesses.

Some relevant questions related to your accommodation are:

How long have you lived at your current home?

It has been 8 years that I have stayed in the same home. Also, my office is just a 30-minute drive from my residence. 

What do you like about it?

The garden in my home is what I like the most. Often, I spend my mornings and evenings sitting on the green grass and enjoying my tea. It is a stress buster and I just love doing it.

What kind of accommodation units would you like to live in?

I prefer units, whether big or small, with a garden. Greenery exudes positivity and therefore, it matters the most to me. Besides, I prefer the ground floor because I stay with my ageing parents. 

When it comes to personal work or studies, the following questions can be asked:

Do you study or work?

I am working in the capacity of editor with a reputable media organisation in the country. And, it has been over 5 years that I am associated with it.

What is your college or workplace like?

Mine is a swanky office at one of the best locations in the city. Not just this, the office has a good work culture. Also, I feel blessed to be part of a great team like this. 

Is there anything you would like to change about your college or job?

Every workplace has some challenges. But, if you have supportive team members, then you can sail through the rough waters easily. Thankfully, I have a team which believes in learning and growing together.

Further, you may be asked general questions about international events, including:

Do international events impact cooperation and collaboration amongst countries?

International events offer opportunities to learn about different cultures and viewpoints. Additionally, these events promote tolerance and acceptance. 

What sort of changes are expected in future sporting events?

I believe technology will completely take over sporting events in the next five years. This will help make matches more transparent, offering opportunities to rectify human errors. 

Considering the children I know, yes, most of them follow sporting events. Besides their love for the game, children have started to see sports as a full-time career and parents have become more supportive of their choices too. 

Notably, don’t just restrict your responses to a few words. But, try to express yourself comprehensively. Remember, these are general topics and do not demand domain-specific information to craft answers.

Also read: IELTS preparation tips

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IELTS Speaking topics part 2 with answers

This part of the test assesses your ability to speak at length on a particular topic. You are required to use appropriate language and organise your ideas logically. While ideating, you can share your experiences in order to complete the long turn.

Here are some expected questions that can feature on your task card:

Describe an important thing you own. In response, you can include where you got it from, how long you have had it, what you use it for, and then why it is important to you.

Here’s the model answer:

Based on your necessity and usage, I believe everything has its own place in your life. Considering this, my laptop is something I cannot imagine my world without. Playing a significant role in my personal and professional life, it was given to me by my office two years back. Before this laptop, I was using a second-hand desktop that was gifted to me by my parents when I scored well in grade 10. 

Primarily, I use my laptop to do research and gain knowledge. Also, my laptop helps promote learning in my life. Notably, learning new things is important for growth in life. And, my laptop offers me immense opportunities to learn new things and keep myself updated every day. This also opens up doors to new opportunities in life. 

For instance, let’s talk about a data analyst who works remotely. Then, your office laptop is your workplace. Generally, data analysts need to scan a huge volume of data in order to identify patterns that can offer businesses valuable insights to grow and be profitable. For this purpose, data scientists use cutting-edge software. Also, they are required to learn the latest technologies to work efficiently.

Besides, my laptop helps me connect to the world anytime, anywhere. Also, you don’t feel homesick while staying away from your family and loved ones. You can face-time with your parents and friends without any hassle. 

Further, I use my laptop to watch movies or web series in my leisure time. At times, I play games on it with my friends. Occasionally, my nephew also uses my laptop to showcase the little Picasso in him. Notably, Pablo Picasso was a popular Spanish painter and sculptor. 

As part of rounding off questions, the examiner can ask if it is valuable in terms of money or would it be easy to replace. You can respond by saying: “Laptops with good configuration and from reputable manufacturers generally fall in the range of Rs 55,000 to Rs 75,000. And, this makes it an expensive item. Since mine is an office laptop, the machine gets replaced every three years considering the rapid changes in technology.”

Also Read: How to crack IELTS

Describe a special event you liked. You can begin by sharing what the event was, where it was, what happened and why you liked it.

For this question, the model answer goes like this:

I am going to share my experience at the extravagant birthday party of my cousin, Riya. It was her sixteenth birthday, which is considered to be a big life event as one enters adulthood. Riya lives in California, United States, and that year, she was in New Delhi, to celebrate her Sweet Sixteen with family and friends.

Since it was a special occasion in Riya’s life, her brother and I decided to ensure that it became an unforgettable memory for her. To her surprise, we booked a luxury car for her to have an upscale dinner at Taj Vivanta in Dwarka, New Delhi.

Riya put on her finest dress, which was an emerald green maxi gown that accentuated her eyes. She completed her look with a messy bun, minimal jewellery and a pair of stilettos. Enjoying all the attention, she was on top of the world.

We invited all her close female family members and childhood friends to the event. It was a pool party with a mermaid theme. We arranged for related decor by the poolside to make her feel that she was living in a fantasy world. We also requested guests to dress up in shades of blue. Overall, it looked like an underwater scene.

For the cake, we ordered one in the shape of a mermaid shell. To match the theme, the hotel staff also managed to prepare dessert items in the shape of seashells, corals and more. Also, there was an extensive variety of seafood on the menu.

All the guests danced their hearts out, enjoyed drinks and food, and played fun games. In a nutshell, it was an amazing night with close ones.

I feel turning sixteen is a turning point for many females as they start to feel more like a woman. Also, it is a day of high expectations.

Rounding off questions for this one may include did the other people also enjoy this event. As your answer, you can state: “Yes, everyone enjoyed thoroughly. Riya is a water baby and I didn’t know by then that others would also like the idea of having a pool party. While adults were busy dancing and catching up with each other, kids were not ready to come out of the pool.”

Also Read: IELTS Speaking Topics

IELTS Speaking part 3 questions with answers

This segment allows you to discuss the task card topic in a more general and abstract way. This offers opportunities to display your ability to justify your opinions and analyse them in more depth. 

If your second round asked you to describe a beautiful place to visit in your city, enjoyedtothis section might begin with the question, “Why is it important to maintain beautiful places in cities?”

You can answer like this:

“Beautiful places not just enhance the overall appearance of a city or a town, but also make it more alluring for both tourists and inhabitants. They also speak volumes about a city’s vibe and culture.”

Then, you can be asked, “What can you do to keep the beauty intact?”

In your response, you can say,

“It is important not to litter around to maintain the beauty of any place; be it a park, monument or your home. Also, spreading awareness by running online and onsite campaigns about maintaining beautiful places can engage more people in the cause.”

The IELTS examiner can wrap up by asking this question: “What steps can the government take to maintain them?”

You can answer this by saying,

“While the government is already doing its job to maintain beautiful places in a city, aligning more people with their line of thought is important. Also, imposing penalties involving higher amounts can discourage people from throwing their waste anywhere. Across the city, the government can also use posters explaining the value addition beautiful places bring in.”

Also read: IELTS Speaking exam tips

IELTS Speaking preparation

To score well in the IELTS Speaking exam, it is important to follow the below-mentioned tips:

  • Speak clearly and accurately
  • Do not rush 
  • Be spontaneous
  • Do not prepare answers in advance 
  • Sound natural and authentic 
  • Record yourself to review your performance 
  • Speak in English in everyday life
  • Listen to Speaking test recordings
  • Put questions to the IELTS examiner if a question is unclear
  • Don’t just respond with a simple yes or no 
  • Explain your answers
  • Read audio transcripts
  • Correct your mistakes

The IELTS Speaking test plays a vital role in your academic and professional journeys abroad. To gauge your language proficiency accurately, a variety of IELTS Speaking topics are covered in the test. Besides getting yourself familiar with IELTS Speaking questions with answers, you can also listen to recordings of the Speaking test or read audio transcripts.

If you are interested in starting your study abroad journey, then connect with Edvoy Counsellors.


Do I need to speak British English?

No, IELTS don’t focus on the type of English but on the correct usage of vocabulary, grammar, and spelling.

What are some common IELTS Speaking topics with answers for 2024?

Some common IELTS Speaking topics revolve around themes, including environment, memorable events, workplace, and beautiful places.

How important is pronunciation in the Speaking test?

It is important to pay attention to pronunciation while preparing for the IELTS Speaking test.

Is it acceptable to pause and think during the Speaking test?

Since the test assesses your fluency, it is vital to sound natural and relaxed. You can take deep breaths to pause and ideate.

Can I ask the examiner to repeat a question in the Speaking test?

Yes, you can ask the IELTS examiner to repeat a question but nothing beyond that.