Exams to Study Abroad

Updated on: Mar 10, 2025

Due to the increasing number of students wanting to study overseas, more countries are now open to accepting international students. However, students must meet certain academic standards in order to be eligible to study at their dream university. 

By taking the time to meet these standards, students can ensure that they will be able to take advantage of the many opportunities available to them. To prepare for their dream destinations, students must dedicate time to studying for the exams. 

Different students will have to take different tests for different courses, but every student is required to take an English language proficiency test. You may find here a list of all such exams.

LanguageCert exams are recognised globally and accepted by higher education institutions. The LanguageCert Academic Test applies for international admissions and the SELT exams for UKVI. These exams cover the CEFR levels A2 to C1.

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